Gjoleke Gjonlekaj
E shanë, e torturuan, pastaj e vranë dhe më në fund e masakruan. Dhe për t'i humbur gjurmët e atij krimi monstruoz e qitën në shpellë. Ky burrë shqiptar kishte shkuar atje në Orosh të Mirditës për bisedime, edhe pse kishte një parandjenjë se atje do të vritej. Testamenti i nënshkruar një ditë më parë se të nisej, tregon parandjenjën e tragjedisë së tij, pavarësisht se të gjithë e kishin këshilluar që të mos shkonte. Por Dedë Gjo' Luli ua kishte dhënë fjalën krerëve të Mirditës. Ishte ditë fatkeqe e shtatorit kur u vra trimi legjendar i Shqiperisë, Dede Gjo'Luli i Hotit. Atë ditë u shua nga qielli shqiptar një yll i lirisë kombëtare. E vranë ata që e vrasin kombin shqiptar tash 1300 vjet. Dede Gjo' Luli lindi në Traboin të Hotit në vitin 1840. Ishte bir i një prej familjeve më fisnike të Malësisë, derë e përmendur brez pas brezi. Hoti ka një të kaluar të shkëlqyeshme. Historianët thonë se ishte një ndër krahinat më të organizuara në gjithë Shqipërinë në Mesjetë. Bile Millan Shufllaj, shkruan se organizimi ushtarak i Hotit ka filluar ne shekullin XIV. Shtepia e Dede Gjo' Lulit, ka qene dere e pare neper shekuj. Traboini dhe krejt Malesia gjithmone ka gezuar respekt per kete familje fisnike. Dede Gjo' Luli u rrit dhe u be burre ne Bardhaj te Hotit ku edhe sot e kesaj dite ruhen me mire se kudo tjeter traditat me fisnike te races arberore. Qysh i ri mori pjese ne lufterat per lirine e tokave shqiptare. Merrte pjese ne te gjitha kuvendet me rendesi. Ne moshen 21 vjecare u kishte prire djemve te Hotit per te shpetuar Oso Kuken nga flaka e barotit ne Kulle te Vranines. Cun Mula dhe Dede Gjo' Luli perfaqesuan Hotin ne Lidhjen Shqiptare te Prizrenit. Edhe atehere Deda ishte i ri por shume i pjekur. Nga pjesemarrja ne luftera dhe ne kuvende shihet mirefilli se Dede Gjo' Luli ishte atdhetar e trim. Zoti e kishte pajisur me keto cilesi fisnike. Roberine shekullore otomane dhe coptimin sllav te tokave shqiptare i kishte plage ne zemer. I dridhej toka nen kembe, ndersa qielli shqiptar qante per ato padrejtesi dhe mallkime qe kishin rene mbi dheun e shenjte te arberit. Nga ato male te larta shqiptare, me syte e shqiponjes, i shikonte te gjitha ato tragjedi ne veprim. Marreveshjen turko-sllave per coptimin e tokave shqiptare, Dede Gjo' Luli e kishte kuptuar me mire se asnje prijes tjeter shqiptar, per faktin se kurre nuk ka qene aleat i tyre. Periudha para dhe pas Lidhjes se Prizrenit ishin deshmi per Dede Gjo' Lulin se kombi shqiptar i roberuar mund te zhdukej nga faqja e dheut. I kishte kuptuar shume mire intrigat turke dhe pasionet e cmendura sllave. Cereku i fundit i shekullit XIX, kishte qene shume fatkeq, sepse gjate kesaj periudhe gjysma e Shqiperise se roberuar nga otomanet kishte rene nen sundimin sllavo-grek. Tashti si burre i pjekur Dede Gjo' Luli ishte i vetedijshem se cka po ndodh. E shihte me syte e tij edhe ate gjysme Shqiperie se po shkon drejt copetimit dhe humneres. Ne fillim te shekullit te kaluar, sllavo-greket, pastaj edhe italianet, nuk lane gure pa levize per rrenimin e Shqiperise. Ne ate kohe Dede Gjo'Luli ishte burre i pjekur dhe me pervoje te madhe ushtarake e politike. Keto i kishte mesuar ne beteja dhe ne kuvende te medha shqiptare sic ishte Lidhja Shqiptare e Prizrenit. Politiken dhe diplomacine nderkombetare i kishte mesuar ne Shkoder, ku kishte kaluar nje pjese te rendesishme te jetes. Atje ishte njohur me patriotet dhe intelektualet me te shquar shqiptare te Rilindjes. Asnje kuvend kombetar ne Shkoder nuk behej pa pjesemarrjen e Dede Gjo' Lulit. Shqiperia dhe Kosova e kishin kuptuar se ky eshte nje prijes i vertete. Njeri qe nuk ishte korruptuar nga shperblimet dhe titujt e huaj. Tere jeten e kishte kaluar ne male te Hotit pa bere asnje kompromis. Mbante lidhje te ngushta me te gjithe patriotet shqiptare ne Jug e ne Veri, ne Kosove dhe ne diaspore. Sa here e kishte pare shtepine e tij te djegur shkrumb e hi, por asnjehere nuk u ligeshtua. Te gjithe e kishin kuptuar se Turqia ishte para shkaterrimit, e sidomos fqinjte sllave e greke. Ata enderronin se pas largimit te Turqise do te gelltitnin te gjitha tokat shqiptare dhe sipas tyre nuk do te kishte me Shqiperi. Por, keto kurthe mizore ballkanike Dede Gjo' Luli i kishte kuptuar me mire. Pas shume takimesh dhe bisedimesh me patriotet shqiptare, ky hero legjendar kishte vendosur te fillonte luften per pavaresine e Shqiperise. Ne Shkoder, ne Kosove dhe ne gjithe Shqiperine ishte krijuar bindja se lufta per pavaresi ishte e domosdoshme. Edhe pse i shtyre ne moshe, trimi legjendar i Malesise kishte bere te gjitha pergatitjet per nje qendrese te vertete. "E filloi luften me 24 mars te vitit 1911, e cila brenda me pak se dy vjetesh i solli Shqiperise pavaresine dhe atdheut ma te madhen nder", thote nje poet shqiptar. Me 6 prill te vitit 1911 per here te pare ne Bratile te Hotit valoi flamuri shqiptar i Gjergj Kastriotit. Valoi pas 500 vjet roberie. E shpalosi dhe u nguli ne koder te Bratiles, Nike Gjelosh Luli i familjes se Dede Gjo'Lulit. Por ne ate moment Nike Gjelosh Luli ra deshmor, me flamur te Kastriotit ne dore. Ne Deciq filloi nje lufte e vertete qe u perhap ne Shqiperi dhe Kosove. Tere bota e kuptoi se shqiptaret jane gati te bejne sakrificen me te madhe per atdhe. Shtypi evropian dhe boteror shkruante cdo dite per trimerine dhe vendosmerine e shqiptareve. Politika dhe diplomacia evropiane mesoi shume nga kjo lufte. Ato dite patriotet shqiptare pergatiten dhe nenshkruan Memorandumin e Greces, qe eshte dokumenti me i rendesishem per pavaresine e Shqiperise, para Shpalljes se Pavaresise ne Vlore me 28 nentor te vitit 1912. Te gjitha ketyre veprimeve heroike dhe politike u priu Dede Gjo' Luli me guximin, ndershmerine dhe largpamesine qe e karakterizonte ne cdo cast historik. Per lufterat dhe atdhedashurine e tij kane shkurar me shume se 100 autore shqiptare dhe te huaj. Kane shkruar dhe shkruajne poetet, historianet dhe shkrimtaret me te mire te kombit shqiptar. Vendlindja e tij dhe gjysma e Malesise se Madhe gjendet edhe sot e kesaj dite nen pushtimin serbo-malazez. Kulla e Dede Gjo' Lulit eshte shnderruar ne nje germadhe. Deciqi dhe Bratila jane troje shqiptare qe u lane me gjak per lirine e Shqiperise. Kete e dijne te gjithe historianet shqiptare. Flamuri i Kastriotit eshte ngritur per here te pare ne Bratile dhe ne Deciq; atje eshte lare me gjakun e djemve dhe vajzave me te dalluara te Malesise, ashtu sic eshte lare me gjak Prekazi i Drenices nga Adem Jashari dhe bashkeluftetaret dhe anetaret e familjes se tij. Dede Gjo' Luli eshte nder te paktet brezni luftetaresh qe eshte shuar me far e me fis per flamur e per liri. Megjithate politika shqiptare nuk eshte treguar kurre e sinqerte ndaj atyre qe dhane jeten per lirine e atij vendi. Historianet shqiptare gati gjithmone kane qene te diktuar nga politika. Per Bratilen, ku per here te pare u ngrit flamuri shqiptar, historianet nuk e kane thene fjalen e vete. Klanet e ndryshme politike kane manipuluar me te verteten historike te kombit shqiptar. Dihet se ata qe kane pasur pushtetin kane shkruar historine. Por Dede Gjo' Luli dhe trimat e tij nuk kane luftuar per pushtet. Deri edhe armiqte e kombit shqiptar e kane pranuar se Malesia e Madhe eshte nje treve e vertete iliro-shqiptare, qe u eshte nenshtruar te huajve me pak se cdo krahine tjeter. Akademite dhe parlamentet shqiptare duhet t'i korrigjojne keto gabime. Amerikanet nderojne ne menyre te posacme diten e pavaresise por edhe diten e flamurit, te cilin e kane ngritur ne lufte kunder Perandorise angleze. Keto jane te verteta historike, pavaresisht se mund te jene te hidhura. Ne fushebeteja per lirine e Shqiperise jane vrare nje dyzine burra e gra te familjes se Dede Gjo' Lulit. Ata jane vrare kunder armiqve te Shqiperise dhe te kombit shqiptar. Ata meritojne vend me rendesi ne Panteonin e kombit. Edhe entet fetare pa dallim, duhet t'i nderojne dhe te luten per shpirtin e tyre. |
Cursed, tortured, killed and finally slaughtered. And to hide that monstrous crime, they threw his remains in a cave. This honorable man had gone to Orosh in Mirdita for talks, even though he had a premonition that he would be killed. He realized this the day before leaving and meeting his tragic end, even though everyone advised him not to go. But Dede Gjo' Luli had given his word to the leaders of Mirdita. It was unfortunate, that September day, when the legendary warrior of Albania, Dede Gjo' Luli of Hoti, was killed. That day, a star of Albanian national freedom, rose to the heavens. He was murdered by those who have been killing the Albanian nation for 1300 years now. Dede Gjo' Luli was born in Traboin, Hoti in the year 1840. He was the son of one of the noblest families of the Highlands, recognized through many generations. Hoti has an excellent past. Historians say it was one of the most organized regions across Albania in the Middle Ages. Milan Shufllaj wrote that military organization in Hoti was started in the XIV century. The house of Dede Gjo'Luli was among the first of Hoti through the centuries. Traboini and all of Malesia have always respected this noble family. Dede Gjo' Luli was raised in Bardhaj, Hoti where even to this day, our noble traditions are preserved better than anywhere else. Since he was a youngster, he has been participating in conflicts and wars for freedom of the Albanian lands, taking part in all important assemblies. At age 21, he led his fellow freedom-fighters of Hoti in a mission to rescue Oso Kuka - before he went up in flames at the Tower of Vranine. Cun Mula and Dede Gjo' Luli represented Hoti in the Albanian League of Prizren. Even then, at a young age, was very mature. By participating in warfare and National Assemblies, Dede Gjo'Luli was recognized as patriotic and brave. God had endowed him with these noble qualities. Centuries of Ottoman slavery and Slavic occupation of Albanian lands had wounded his heart. The earth trembled under their feet, while the Albanian sky cried for injustice and cursed those who tried to occupy their sacred soil. From those high Albanian mountains, with eagle eyes, he saw all those tragedies taking place. Agreement was made for Turkish-Slavic occupation of Albanian lands but Dede Gjo' Luli had understood better than any other Albanian leader that they have never been their ally. The period before and after the League of Prizren were evidence for Dede Gjo' Luli that an enslaved Albanian nation may disappear from the earth. He understood Turkish intrigues and passions of the crazy Slav. The last quarter of the nineteenth century had been very unfortunate because during this period, half of Albania that was controlled by the Ottomans had fallen under the Slavic- Greek rule. Now, in this time, as a mature man, Dede Gjo' Luli was aware of what was happening. He saw with his own eyes that half of Albania was going towards deep fragmentation. At the beginning of the last century, Slav-Greeks and then the Italians left no stone without moving in order to collapse Albania. At that time, Dede Gjo' Luli had vast experience in military policy and tactics, which he had learned in battle and in assemblies such as the Albanian League of Prizren. He learned politics and international diplomacy in Shkodra, where he spent an important part of his life. He met patriots and prominent intellectuals with the Albanian Renaissance. There was no national convention in Shkodra that didn’t take place without the participation of Dede Gjo' Luli. Albania and Kosovo had realized that he was a true leader, a man who was not corrupted by external rewards and headlines. He spent his entire life in the mountains of Hoti without making any compromise. He retained close links with all the Albanian patriots in the South, the North, in Kosovo and in the Diaspora. Many times he had seen his house burned to ashes but he himself, never melted. Everyone had realized that Turkish occupation should be the first to be destroyed, especially their Slavic and Greek neighbors. They dreamed that after the removal of Turkey, they would swallow all the Albanian lands and according to them, would not have an Albania. But Dede Gjo'Luli had a better understanding of these cruel Balkan traps. After many meetings and talks with Albanian patriots, the legendary hero decided to start fighting for the independence of Albania. Shkodra, Kosovo and Albania believed that the war for independence was absolutely necessary. Although he was at an older period of his life more advanced in his years, the legendary warrior of Malesia had made all preparations for a real Resistance. "The war began on March 24, 1911, which was less than two years from Albania's independence and brought the country's largest honor," said an Albanian poet. On April 6, 1911, in Bratila Hoti, the Albanian flag was raised for the first time since Gjergj Kastrioti, soaring after 500 years of slavery. The flag was unfolded and fastened in the hill of Bratila by Nike Gjelosh Luli, a family member of Dede Gjo'Lulit. But at that moment, Nike Gjelosh Luli became a martyr, with Kastrioti’s flag in his hands. In Deciq began a war that spread to Albania and Kosovo. The whole world knew that the Albanians were ready to make the greatest sacrifice for the homeland. European and world press wrote every day about the bravery and determination of the Albanians. European politics and diplomacy learned much from this war. Before independence in Vlora on November 28, 1912, patriotic Albanians prepared and signed the Memorandum of Greces, which is an important document leading to the independence of Albania. All of these political actions were heroic and Dede Gjo' Luli led with courage, honesty and a vision that characterized every historic moment. More than 100 Albanian and foreign authors have written about his service in wars and his patriotism. Some of the best Albanian historians and writers have written poetry about his deeds. His birthplace and half of Malesia are found to this day under the occupation of Montenegro. Dede Gjo' Luli’s home has become a ruin. Bratila and Deciqi are Albanian lands and were soaked with blood for the freedom of Albania. All Albanian historians know this. Kastrioti’s flag was raised in Bratila and Deciq with the blood of the men and women of distinction in the highlands, as with blood in Prekazi Drenica, sacrificed by Adem Jashari and his family members. Dede Gjo' Luli is among the few fighters that sacrificed the lives of his entire family for the banner of freedom. However, Albanian politics never honestly speaks of those who died for the freedom of its country. Albanian historians have almost always been dictated by politics. For instance, Bratila, where the Albanian flag rose for the first time, historians have never said a word about this. Different political sects have manipulated the historical truth of the Albanian nation. It is known that those who are in power have been writing history. But Dede Gjo' Luli and his warriors fought for power. Even enemies of the Albanian nation have accepted that Malesia is a true Illyrian-Albanian province, which was taken away by foreigners for less than any other province. Academies and Albanian parliaments should correct these errors. Americans not only celebrate Independence Day but Flag Day as well, which the American colonies raised in the fight against the British Empire. These are historic truths but are bitter to some. In the battlefield for freedom of Albania, a dozen men and women from the family of Dede Gjo' Luli have been killed. They died fighting the enemies of Albania and the Albanian nation. They deserve a prominent place in the Pantheon of the nation. Even religious institutions without distinction, must venerate and pray for their souls. |